The particular tasks of the association are:

  • Representing the vitrified clay pipe industry in national and European standards organisations in the ranges of products, applications and environmental standardisation products
  • Representing the vitrified clay pipe industry in national and European professional associations
  • Creating opportunities for sharing and exchanging ideas between the vitrified clay pipe industry and administrative authorities, scientific institutes, trade associations and other similar organisations
  • Promoting and disclosing scientific insights as well as applied research and analysis of such in the fields of vitrified clay manufacture, use and processing
  • Information about technical, organisational and legal structures in sewage disposal
  • Product information about materials for sewer systems
  • Joint advertising measures (publications, offprints, electronic media)
  • Further training measures
  • Representing the interests of all members to authorities
  • Prosecuting anticompetitive violations, particularly against legal specifications to prevent unfair competition.